Ca deficiency symptoms first appear on youngest leaves. They become light green, and tips and margins become necrotic.
Furthermore, the leaves are bent downwards like claws, the growing point dies off. The older leaves remain dark green.
Calcium deficiency.
Several nutrient deficiencies such as sulphur and iron start with chlorosis on younger leaves, but the claw-like shape of the leaves is characteristic for Ca deficiency.
Tobacco - Deformation
Ca deficiency symptoms first appear on youngest leaves. They become light green.
Furthermore, the leaves are bent downwards like claws, the growing point dies off. The older leaves become darker green.
Calcium deficiency.
Several nutrient deficiencies such as sulphur and iron start with chlorosis on younger leaves, but the claw-like shape of the leaves is characteristic for Ca deficiency.
Tobacco - Deformation
Ca deficiency symptoms first appear on youngest leaves. They become light green.
Furthermore, the leaves are bent downwards like claws, the growing point dies off. The older leaves become darker green.
Calcium deficiency.
Several nutrient deficiencies such as sulphur and iron start with chlorosis on younger leaves, but the claw-like shape of the leaves is characteristic for Ca deficiency.
Tobacco - Deformation
Ca deficiency symptoms first appear on youngest leaves. The leaves are bent downwards like claws, the growing point dies off. The older leaves remain dark green.
Calcium deficiency.
The claw-like shape of the leaves is characteristic for Ca deficiency.
Calcium deficiency made worse by
Acidic soils
Sandy or light soils (leaching)
Acid peat soils
Soils rich in sodium
Soils rich in aluminium
Drought conditions
Fruit high in nitrogen or potassium
Large fruit
Calcium is important for
Structure, stability and permeability of cell membranes
Regulation of enzyme systems
Alongside potassium responsible for regulation of stomata
Gives plants more resistance to biotic and abiotic stress