Boron deficiency causes the death of the terminal growing point. The tree loses its apical dominance and sends out multiple shoots.
Boron deficiency on shoots
Citrus - Deformation
Early breakdown of albedo, caused by poor boron supply.
Gum spots in the albedo of the fruit and flesh near the rind may occur and result in fruit creasing (shrivelled surface makes processing more difficult).
Boron deficiency.
Poor boron supply reduces calcium uptake and therefore can induce a breakdown of the albedo and promote post-harvest rot.
Citrus - Deformation
Boron deficiency causes the death of the terminal growing point. The tree loses its apical dominance and sends out multiple shoots.
Boron deficiency on shoots
Citrus - Spots
A lack of boron results in gum pockets forming in the fruit albedo and flesh, near the rind. Fruit is small and hard with gum like spots appering on the skin.
Boron deficiency.
Citrus is sensitive to boron. Poor boron supply reduces calcium uptake and therefore can induce a breakdown of the albedo and promote post-harvest rot.
Boron deficiency on citrus made worse by
Sandy soils
Alkaline soils
Soils low in organic matter
High levels of nitrogen
High levels of calcium
Cold wet weather
Periods of drought
Boron is important for
More uniform and vigorous vegetative growth
Leaves are properly formed and premature drop is avoided